To update your WhatsApp profile (i.e., what your customers see when they receive a message from you) log into the platform at the top right >> Company
Enter all the required information, respecting the character limits provided, and click “Update Profile” only at the end. Only a link to a social channel can be included.
Warning. Logo format must be : Square 640x640px, 5MB [UNICO FORMATO AMMESSO]
Despite the profile update, initially your customers will receive your messages by displaying your number (no company name).
Once you have verified the Facebook Business Manager and the Display Name has been accepted by Whatsapp and after you have reached 10,000 contactable customers per day, WhatsApp will give you the option to have your business name appear to the final customer.
As for the green tick (like that of famous people on socila) Whatsapp gives the possibility only to relevant and well-known businesses to send messages by making the business name and green tick appear. To do so, it is necessary to forward the OBA request to WhatsApp. Click on the following link for more information: OBA request
Should you experience any problems uploading profile information, you can email with the following information:
- Business description (max 256 characters)
- Business address
- Status (max 139 characters)
- Website
- Facebook/ Instagram links
- Business category of your choice from the following: Automotive, Beauty Spa and Salon, Clothing and Apparel, Education, Entertainment, Event Planning and Service, Finance and banking, Food and Grocery, Public Service, Hotel and lodging, Medical and Health, Non-profit, Professional services, Shopping and retail, Travel and Transportation, Restaurant, Other.
- Brand image (square shape 640×640 px, 5MB – any other format will not be uploaded)
The submitted information will be updated within 24h working days.
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How to Apply for OBA (Official Business Account) WhatsApp